Middle School
- Build a strong network of adults who can help you (i.e., counselors, teachers, older siblings and parents) with school and can talk to you about their experiences. Did they go to college? What was their favorite part of college? How did going to college help them later in life?
- Start thinking about your high school courses that are a part of the 17 career clusters. Explore career interests, then link to possible options for after high school including technical college programs, military, apprenticeship, and two- and four-year colleges.
- Be aware of transitional programs like the Georgia Department of Education’s High School is Happening to help you navigate from middle school to high school. This is an important step and you will need information to make good decisions.
- Find out about academic enrichment programs, including summer and weekend programs, available through your school or local colleges.
- Don't forget about extracurricular activities like sports, performing arts, volunteer work or other activities that interest you.