Learn About Military Officer Careers
Serving your country is one of the greatest ways to give back to your nation. Acting in leadership roles, military officers lead Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, or Sailors in our nation’s defense. Most officer positions require a four-year college degree, which equips students with the critical decision-making skills needed to plan and direct military operations. Officer positions also include careers that require advanced degrees, such as law and medicine. If you are looking to explore a career in the military, colleges and universities in Georgia offer two of the five paths to becoming a military officer:
- Attending a senior military college
- Attending a college or university with a Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC.)
Scholarship Opportunities
Enrolling in military programs in Georgia may qualify you for scholarships that can cover full-tuition, room and board, books and fees and even monthly living allowances. To review these scholarship opportunities, visit the sites listed here and explore the individual colleges’ ROTC and military program pages.
State of Georgia Funding Opportunities
Branch-specific Funding Opportunities: